Here, gratitude for Jake Seniuk and his beautiful writing about the Seed exhibit currently on display at the Port Angeles Fine Art Center. He sees the work:
"A pairing of then and now by Bainbridge Island artist Kristin Tollefson expresses the seed theme in its very imagery, as well as in its power to bridge the decades. The crayon scribbling of her Mother’s Day Card (1973), age five and a half, is typical of the first inklings of landscape stirring in many a tot.
Tollefson’s yen for the third dimension, however, is already there too, as she builds up the flat surface by gluing strands of colorful yarn to trace plant stems with raised lines. Flash forward thirty-four years and yarn and flower have evolved into mixed media wall sculptures, three-dimensional drawings that combine fabric, beads, wires and metals into enlarged plant forms, whose textural amplification of line and shape appeals as much to the touch as to the eye."
More of the exhibit and Jake's lovely prose here.